Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Why I Am Cheap Entertainment...*

...compared to cable, casinos, concerts, and circuses**. I think the best way to demonstrate this is by mathematical equation:

If x = quality, professional entertainment at a premium price and y = me: cheap, unsophisticated, requiring only a few clicks entertainment then z = well, you can clearly see below.

For those who don't have quite the mathematical brain that I do, I can break it down a little more:
  1. Two trains 150 miles apart travel toward each other along the same track, the first train at 60 mph, the second at 90 mph. If I am cheaper than traveling by train to an exciting destination, which train will arrive first? Answer: Neither because they will eventually smack into each other in a fiery inferno and we can only hope that the passengers were able to read my blog post for that day and get their cheap entertainment in before dying in an expensive deathly way.
  2. Al's father is 45. He is 15 years older than twice Al's age. How old is Al? Karen is twice as old as Lori. Three years from now, the sum of their ages will be 42. How old is Karen? Answer: This is easy - Al's father is clearly 1012*** and dead so he has no need for cheap entertainment but he was a bit of a tightwad while he was alive so he would have loved me. Karen is a stripper who gets more one dollar bills than I earn on my blog so she is disqualified.  No one cares about Lori because she is Al's imaginary friend and quite frankly he's too old for one of those.  Also an imaginary friend is cheaper than me so according to algebraic law we are left with cosine exponential square root of pi.  That is all.  Math is so easily explained.
  3. Neville has 11 more nickels than quarters from his job as a DJ. How many coins does he have if the total value of his coins is $2.65? Answer: More than I have earned on my blog, ergo, I am cheaper entertainment than Neville the DJ.
*Many thanks to my friend Schmon Smuart (not his real name - obviously), for pointing out that I am the best cheap entertainment he has and suggesting I write about it. Not the first time I have been called cheap entertainment but I choose to take that as a compliment as it's a step up from free entertainment.
**I don't know if anyone goes to circuses because they're naughty if they have animals but it was working with my alliteration and the only other thing I could think of was concubines and I wasn't really sure if they were in fact expensive.
***To be honest, I used a calculator, otherwise I would never have gotten this right

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